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"Have a birthday party to warm the hearts of front-line employees" - Juli Group Company launches collective birthday symposium activities in the first quarter

2021-04-01 0次浏览

Over the years, Juli Group has provided a platform for employees to show themselves and show their talents by holding collective birthday parties, symposiums, sports meetings, annual meetings, etc., and enhanced the cohesion and centripetal force of the group.

On the afternoon of March 31, 2021, the group company held a birthday symposium for employees who had birthdays in the first quarter of 2021One stroke.


On the day of the birthday symposium, everyone gathered together to summarize and review the work of the past year, and at the same time make plans for this year's stage goals. Chairman Cao Jing said with emotion at the meeting: "In the big family of Juli, we must care for each other and care for each other to promote the common development of Juli and everyone." The participating employees have said that under the leadership of the chairman, everyone's life is getting better and better, life is getting happier and happier, and cohesion is our second home. At the symposium, some employees spoke enthusiastically, sharing their work experience around their own work experience, group development, career planning, etc., not only thanking the group company for providing a growth and development platform, but also putting forward a lot of reasonable suggestions for the company's development.

     The atmosphere of the whole symposium was harmonious, and everyone was proud of being a cohesive person and full of confidence in the future development.

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Juli Group held a symposium on "Celebrating International Women's Day"

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